Why Is New York City Planning to Sell and Shrink Its Libraries?

Defend our libraries, don't defund them. . . . . fund 'em, don't plunder 'em

Mayor Bloomberg defunded New York libraries at a time of increasing public use, population growth and increased city wealth, shrinking our library system to create real estate deals for wealthy real estate developers at a time of cutbacks in education and escalating disparities in opportunity. It’s an unjust and shortsighted plan that will ultimately hurt New York City’s economy and competitiveness.

It should NOT be adopted by those we have now elected to pursue better policies.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Kanopy, The Internet Movie Streaming Service That Was Being Used By NYC Libraries To Help Make Up For Elimination Of DVDs Is Now Being Abandoned!- The internet giveth! And The internet taketh away!

When Citizens Defending Libraries was handing out leaflets at the Climate Strike March on September 20th in New York City, one woman told us of her upset that along with the elimination of books from her local library, the DVDs were disappearing as well.  She was a woman of action: She told us that she was so upset that she wrote the NYPL.  The NYPL wrote back to her with a letter that said, yes they were getting rid of the DVDs, but they were making up for it in other ways.  One of the main replacements for the DVDs was a movie streaming service they made available to library patrons.— The internet giveth!

And now we read that the New York City libraries, all three systems at he same time, are abandoning Kanopy. The internet taketh away!  We hardly knew yee.

See: Variety-  New York City Public Libraries Drop Kanopy Free Movie-Streaming Service, by Todd Spangler, June 25, 2019.

Oh well, you can always stream movies over the internet expansively through the Amazon monopoly, and don’t worry about. . . . 

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