New York City
WHAT: Citizens Defending Libraries is holding a Connect The Dots Save Our Libraries March
WHEN: Saturday, September 12, 2015, starting at 4:30 P.M.
WHERE: Starting at the Plaza at the northwest corner of Pierrepont Street and Cadman Plaza West, Brooklyn, New York 11201
Citizens Defending Libraries is holding a Connect The Dots Save Our Libraries March on Saturday, September 12th starting at 4:30 PM
The March, a walking tour through the Brooklyn Heights area, will start, as noted above, at the plaza on the northwest corner of Cadman Plaza West and Pierrepont Street.
We will stop at various locations to talk about worrisome real estate developments in the area and how they relate to the proposed sale and shrinkage of the Brooklyn Heights Library in Downtown Brooklyn.
At these key points our marchers will be addressed by informed individuals from the community and members of local activist groups working to protect the community who will articulate things the community needs to be aware of and we will talk about how a number of these matters also relate in sometimes surprising ways to the proposed hand-off of the city-owned library to a developer and how besieged our public assets are in general.
These interludes during the tour will include stopping to speak about the following:
* The Pier 6 Fight (at the stop on the South end of Promenade)We will end the march in front of the library and the small public park outside it (“Truth Park” at the corner of Tillary and Clinton) where we will do some entertaining, music and theater, before heading to nearby Borough Hall, where we will ceremonialize our delivery of over 2,000 testimonies to the Brooklyn Borough President and give thanks for his fateful decision about the library, an irreplaceable public asset, that he made Wednesday of this past week.
*. Friends of Sunset Park (discuss from the south end of Promenade)
* The Fight for LICH, discuss the fight and the proposed replacement of LICH with the Fortis proposal (discuss at the south end of Promenade)
* The Save The View Fight (at stop on the north end of Promenade)
* The overcrowding of PS 8
* The Save The South Street Seaport Fight (discuss while viewing from the Promenade)
Carolyn E. McIntyre, Michael D. D. White
Michael White, 718-834-6184, mddwhite [at]
Carolyn McIntyre, 917-757-6542 cemac62 [at]
Follow us on Twitter: @defendinglibraries

For photos and videos of prior Citizens Defending Libraries rallies opposing the sale, shrinkage, underfunding of New York City libraries, and elimination of books and librarians in the two and a half+ years since its founding, see:
See also our latest masterpiece video (3 minutes 50 seconds): Selling Our Libraries!
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